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(Experience): LASERTOUCH is the oldest and the most experienced clinic in Amritsar city. We are working in the field of laser hair removal since 1998 and treated thousands of patients including famous Film stars, Singers, Doctors, Engineers, Teachers and Politicians with high degree of patient satisfaction.
(Free consultation): At our clinic the first step to start laser hair removal treatment is a free consultation to give you the true information about the treatment. An experienced laser practitioner will evaluate your skin type and explain appropriate treatment procedure to you.
(Equipment): LASERTOUCH Clinic is well equipped with DIODE LASER systems from Asclepion Laser Technology Germany. We have three best Diode Laser systems which are excellent tools for safe, effective, affordable, comfortable and permanent hair removal to save your time and money.
1) MeDioStar Basic
2) MeDioStar-Pro
3) MeDioStar-XT
(Technology): With world class laser technology you will receive the best results and high quality service at air-conditioned Clinic LASERTOUCH Amritsar. The procedure will be performed hygienically by the highly experienced practitioner trained at GERMANY by Asclepion Laser Technology.
(No false promises): We give true information and explain everything about the treatment to our patients in a pressure free environment. Patient’s satisfaction is our primary concern. Our lasers perform treatments at high speed and offering complete coverage.
(Flexibility of time): Because of home based clinic there is flexibility and suitability of time for patients as well as for us, most of the patients want to come early in the morning or late night according to their free time, we can adjust their time easily.
(Affordability): Our charges are very less than others and we never insist on paying for packages, all patients can pay easily per treatment. We never believe in expensive advertisements, our satisfied patients advertise for us and bring more patients to us.
(Easy Approach):LASERTOUCH clinic is located in front of well renowned Khalsa College Amritsar INDIA. Easily approachable and you can find Laser Touch Amritsar on Google maps and navigate to the exact location.
(Our Mission): LASERTOUCH is the authority to offer you the most effective, efficient, comfortable and affordable treatment to remove unwanted body hair. We specialize exclusively in Laser Hair Removal, which is the most effective way to treat unwanted thick black hair. Our mission is to enable our patients more beautiful to be physically attractive and confident by the most advanced laser technology to lead successful lives at an affordable cost.
Come to LASERTOUCH to switch on your face beauty by removing your unwanted facial hair.
Wavelengths in Nanometers
L A S E R = Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
There are so many types of laser machines available in the market for medical and industrial use. Every laser has a single specific wavelength (color). The energy or power of laser light is variable and depends on technique and parameters of use. The beam of laser light is very sharp and goes like straight line (Coherent) up to a long distance. It can be manipulated by fiber optics or surface coated special mirrors depending on energy and wavelength. Every laser has a different energetic effect like cutting, heating, burning, blasting, evaporating, breaking etc. In the case of hair removal, laser energy heat up hair shafts to damage the papilla and disable surrounding cell layers, which are responsible for hair growth.
Full Spectrum
1) Monochromatic light
2) Low divergence
3) Coherent light
4) Light with high Energy or Power

I P L = Intense Pulsed Light
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is not a laser but is another source being used for hair removal. IPL systems are cost wise cheaper and technically different from lasers. IPL delivers the broad spectrum of mixed wavelengths 430nm to 640nm in each flash of light. The source of Light in IPL System is Xenon lamp (Bulb) and producing incoherent light. For hair removal certain special red filter is used to target the hair follicles with the flashes of light. The burst of filtered light energy may causes damage to the hair follicles in the similar way as a laser. But because of low energy, low frequency and incoherent light IPL is less effective than diode laser. Because of poor results it requires more treatment sessions. Basically IPL is source of incoherent intense light that is used for some skin treatments like skin rejuvenation, superficial pigmentation, skin cirrhosis etc, with the different filters.

Hirsutisim (unwanted excessive body hair) is a common problem in women and men, it can be awkward. Even depression may also be caused due to hirsutism, especially in girls. People with excessive hair growth feel embarrassment publically. Before invention of laser hair removal systems there are some temporary procedures which were popular for management of unwanted hair. Threading, plucking, waxing, shaving and use of depilatory creams are all temporary methods that have to be repeated frequently. It is very tough to manage hair growth by temporary procedures. Electrolysis on the other hand can eventually offer long lasting results, but it is very painful, invasive, tedious process and leaves permanent scars and side effects on the skin. All temporary procedures are tedious and time consuming that carried out on relatively small areas of the body and leave some permanent side effects.
Whereas Laser hair removal treatment is a faster and non-invasive medical procedure, that is designed to remove permanent but presently active hair by using the light energy from a laser. Laser works very fast and treats small and large areas of the body in few minutes without harmful side effects. It works on very natural principle that black objects are heated up by absorbing the specific light energy from sunlight. So because of that, most people are not wearing black clothes in summers. Lasers for hair removal are based on that natural principle and deliver the same specific but very strong light energy. That light energy is absorbed by the melanin pigment in the hair shafts in the skin and turned into heat. That heat causes necrosis of papilla and permanent damage to the hair producing structure. This is the purpose of laser hair removal treatment. For laser hair removal treatment there are many laser machines available in the market with different wavelengths, like RUBY LASER, MEDIOSTAR DIODE LASER, LIGHT SHEER, ALEXANDRITE, ND YAG LASER, GENTLE LASE etc.
For this purpose we are using MeDioStar DIODE LASER 810nm wavelength, manufactured by ASCLEPION Germany. MeDioStar Diode Laser has become a synonym for safe laser hair removal. It can transfer its high energy harmlessly through the skin and that high energy reaches to the hair follicles at deeper levels (2 to 3mm). Melanin bearing hair (Black hair) is as the most attractive target for laser energy. Presently black hair shafts & follicles absorb that light energy generated by the Laser and turned into heat. The light is pulsed for fraction of a second and the heat reached up to 60° to 80°C in the melanin of hair shafts. That heat damages the papilla and surrounding cell layers, which are responsible for hair production. Affected hair will shed off after some days and cannot re grow for life. MeDioStar Diode Laser works for all types of skin, (especially Indian skin). Even when using higher energy densities, the skin cooling application of MeDioStar Diode Laser always remains delicate, safe, guaranteeing low risk and gentle treatment for all the patients.

After the treatment, clean up the treated area gently with water to wash out the gel, do not rub and use soft towel to dry that area. There might be little bit redness, swelling and itching on the treated area immediately after treatment for half an hour or so that is a normal reaction. Soothing cream should be applied to reduce the burning sensation, redness and swelling if any. We are using lacto calamine lotion for this purpose and advise the patient to stand in front of AC for 5 to 10 minutes immediately after the treatment to cool down the treated area. Sunscreen lotions should be applied on the treated area or limiting sun exposure is always a good idea to avoid sunburns. Facial or massage is not allowed for two days after every sitting to avoid skin peeling. Presently treated hair will grow up slowly and will shed off after 10 to 14 days. Next sitting can be given after 3 to 4 weeks. In between sittings you should not wax or pluck your hair. Yes, shaving is allowed because an intact black hair shaft is required to carry the laser energy to the hair follicles

You Should Know the Side Effects of Laser Hair Removal Treatment
The laser hair removal treatment is usually risk free. But there are some side effects of the procedure mainly depending on the color complexion and sensitivity of the skin. But type of the laser system and settings of the treatment parameters could be a cause.
Discomfort: There might be some patients who feel mild to moderate discomfort during the laser treatment. Tingling and numbness around the treated area for few minutes are probably the most common side effect.
Redness and Itching: There might be redness and itching on the treated area immediately after treatment for half an hour or so, considered a normal reaction.
Swelling: There may be swelling in sensitive areas such as lips, cheeks, chin, Breast, bikini line and underarms for an hour or so. Flare of acne or swelling around the hair follicle is also a common and normal reaction.
Mild Pain: Usually the laser hair removal treatment is pain less but at a level of giving energy some patients describe it as slight painful whereas some of them feel as prickling sensation and most of the patients feel nothing no pain at all. Every patient has a different level of pain threshold.
Skin Burns: During the laser hair removal treatment laser produces lot of heat to burn the hair follicles this can lead to burning sensations or mild skin burns in some Patients. Mild skin burns occurs more frequently on patients with darker skin. These marks are recoverable within a week.
Black Spots or Scabs: Laser treatment can lead to scabs formation on sensitive or darker skin patients around the treated area. This is very rare and goes within a week. There are very rare side effects including superficial blistering, scarring and skin texture changes.
Eye Injury: Direct laser light is harmful for naked eyes and may lead to swear eye injury. So it is very important to protect your eyes with laser protective eye wears or cover the eyes properly during the treatment.
All possible side effects are temporary and recoverable within a weak even without any medication. An antibiotic skin cream or ointment can be use to avoid further infection.

The results of the laser hair removal treatment are dynamic and permanent. But laser permanently remove only at presently growing black hair (in Anagen Phase). But human hair growth could not be 100% at a time. Hair grows in phases and laser can kill them accordingly because inactive and white hair does not absorb the laser energy. The results of the laser hair removal treatment vary individually, that based on physical conditions mainly imbalanced hormones and genetic disorders. Some medications like birth control pills, hormones and anabolic steroids can also affect the treatment results.
Results of laser hair removal treatment depends on so many physical conditions, like abnormality of the body and its severity, age, obesity, color complexion, thickness of the hair, amount of melanin pigment in the hair, density or number of presently growing hair and number of remaining inactive hair follicles. Best results occur in people with fair complexion and dark thick hair ’’GORI CHAMRRI KALE WAAL”. Hair removal works better on coarse hair rather than fine hair.
We observe variation of the results in different age groups of the patients. The age group of 35 plus get better results than teen agers and older than 50 with black hair gets best results. But grey hair could not absorb the laser energy so there is no treatment for grey hair.
For Best results the most important is what type of laser equipment and parameters are being used.

Technically every laser machine has different energy status, wavelength and parameters. For laser hair removal treatment there are many laser machines available in the market with different wavelengths. Some of them are RUBY LASER 694nm, MEDIOSTAR DIODE LASER 810nm, LIGHT SHEER 800nm, ALEXANDRITE 755nm, ND YAG LASER 1064nm, GENTLELASE 755nm and some IPL machines with 430nm to 640nm wavelength. (IPL is not a laser but being used for hair removal). Every laser has a different energetic effect and as well as results.
Wavelengths under 600nm are strongly absorbed by hemoglobin and protein, and wavelengths above 900nm are strongly absorbed by the water in tissue. Skin is relatively transparent in the range of 600nm to 900nm. Melanin bearing structures are the most attractive target for laser energy. Energy absorption by melanin decreases with increasing wavelength. Diode laser (810nm) features a perfect wavelength and pulse width, theoretically offering an advantage to treat all types of patients, darker skinned patients also and especially for Indian skin.

Increased level of androgens in the body
The most important cause is increased level of androgens in the body. The condition of excessive hair growth has also been linked to oversensitivity of the hair follicles to androgens. The male hormones stimulate hair growth and intensify its pigmentation. High levels of male hormones also cause acne, irregular menstrual periods and deepening of the voice. Such traits, being hereditary, normally run in families.
High insulin level in the women
Another cause of excessive hair growth is high insulin level in the women. The lower the insulin level, the lesser is the chance of a woman suffering from excessive hair growth (hirsutism). Obese women are more likely to be plagued by this problem. It has been found out that insulin in high concentrations stimulate the ovarian cells to produce androgens
Male hormones in a woman start to proliferate
When male hormones in a woman start to proliferate it is considered that she might be suffering from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), Cushing’s disease or CAH (congenital adrenal hyperplasia). Some medications like birth control pills, hormones and anabolic steroids can also push up the level of male hormones in women. These conditions are ultimately responsible for hirsutism (excessive hair growth).

Excessive hair mainly Facial hair can be a particular embarrassment for women, whether on the upper lip, chin, eyebrows, forehead or other areas. Laser hair removal treatment will ensure that you no longer need to bleach, tweeze or follow other temporary procedures to remove those hair, and giving you a new confidence
Underarms are inconvenient to maintain by traditional methods such as shaving, waxing or depilatory creams and there is always risk of Folliculitis (an infection of the hair follicles in the skin), ingrown hair, and shaving cuts. However, laser hair removal treatment is fast and safe you will no longer need to attend your armpits before putting on a short or sleeveless top.
Bikini area is a very sensitive part that can be more irritated by other methods of hair removal - shaving and waxing can cause swelling bumps, redness and folliculitis. But laser hair removal treatment is fast, safe, easy, gentle and hygienic. No irritation and side effects after treatment. It is also advisable for patients who are suffering from UTI (Urinary Tract Infections). It saves your time and money.
Legs, Midriff, Chest, and full back are larger areas of body. It is very tough and time consuming to attend by waxing, shaving or using depilatory creams. Think of the time you could save by taking a course of laser hair removal treatment. It is a fast, safe and gentle way to treat your larger area body parts.

Facial hair can be unwanted, especially if it is profuse or grows in awkward areas like excessive beard on cheeks, forehead, thick eyebrows and in-between eyebrows area. Shaving can lead to cuts, rashes, and of course stubble and need to repeat every day. Laser can remove safely and quickly unwanted facial hair.
Back – According to a survey, 90% of women aged 20 to 45 say excessive hair growth on a man is unappealing. It can be awkward and tough to maintain by all temporary procedures like shaving, waxing, threading, plucking and depilatory creams. Laser hair removal treatment is the answer to easily and permanently remove your body hair.
Chest hair is often undesirable and waxing, threading or shaving can take time and leave some side effects. Instead, laser hair removal treatment will gently ensure your chest is smooth and hair free
Chest hair is often undesirable and waxing, threading or shaving can take time and leave some side effects. Instead, laser hair removal treatment will gently ensure your chest is smooth and hair free

Hair growth occurs in cycles throughout an individual's lifetime. The three stages or phases of hair growth are the Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen. Each strand of hair on the human body is at its own stage of development. Once the cycle is complete, it restarts and a new strand of hair begins to form.
Anagen phase
The anagen phase is known as the active growth phase. It begins in the papilla and can last from two or more years. The span of the hair remains in this stage of growth is determined by genetics. Scalp hair may remain in the anagen for up to 3 years. The longer the hair stays in the anagen phase, the longer it will grow. During this phase, the cells in the papilla divide to produce new hair fibers, and the follicle buries itself into the dermal layer of the skin to nourish the hair strand.
Catagen phase
Signals sent out by the body determine when the anagen phase ends and the catagen phase begins. The catagen phase also known as the transitional phase. It allows the follicle to renew itself in a sense. During this time, which lasts about two weeks, the hair follicle shrinks due to disintegration and the papilla detaches and cutting the hair strand off from its nourishing blood supply. While hair is not growing more during this phase and shed off.
Telogen phase
The Telogen phase is known as resting phase. In this phase follicle remains dormant anywhere for months, depending inversely on the number of actively growing hair in the area, i.e. the scalp has a shorter telogen phase than the chest. In this phase the epidermal cells lining the follicle channel continue to grow as normal and may accumulate around the base of the hair. At some point, the follicle will begin to grow again, within two weeks the new hair shaft will begin to emerge. Once the telogen phase is complete the anagen phase begins again to repeat the cycle. This is called hair growth cycle.

Welcome to LASERTOUCH Gurcharan’s Laser hair removal clinic. The Oldest and the most experienced clinic in the field of laser hair removal. We are located in the holy city, Amritsar since 1998 and celebrating the great experience with our satisfied patients. We were born in this field in 1998 and truly first one to start this unique treatment in India with state of the art LASER systems.
In 1998 we started Laser hair removal clinic at Dr. Daljit Singh Eye Hospital Amritsar as Ruby Laser Center and worked till 2008. Then continue at a new place as LASERTOUCH Gurcharan’s laser hair removal clinic. Before starting this unique Laser Clinic in INDIA, our operating practitioner was invited by the company Asclepion (the pioneer manufacturers of medical lasers) to JENA-GERMANY to learn about the system and applications of Ruby Star Laser, MeDioStar Diode Laser and other laser systems. In 1998 we initiated with RUBY STAR LASER (694 nm) and had experience with it of 2 years. Then we started with MeDioStar Diode Laser (810 nm) of Asclepion GERMANY. With this LASER system we got very good results. Since inception we have treated thousands of patients including famous Film stars, Singers, Doctors, Engineers, Teachers and Politicians with high degree of patient satisfaction. This Laser system works very well for all types of skin, especially for Indian skin. This is a unique approach to treat our patients at any age and any area of the body at very affordable price.
Our Vision & Mission
LASERTOUCH is the authority to offer you the most effective, efficient, comfortable and affordable treatment to remove unwanted body hair. We specialize exclusively in Laser Hair Removal, which is the most effective way to treat unwanted thick black hair. So come to LASERTOUCH to switch on your face beauty by removing your unwanted facial hair. Our mission is to enable our patients more beautiful to be physically attractive and confident by the most advanced laser technology to lead successful lives at an affordable cost without any harm.

Gurcharan’s LASERTOUCH personal will be happy to discuss the procedure with you. Laser hair removal is a Non-Invasive Medical Procedure that is designed to permanently remove unwanted body hair by using the light energy from a laser. This procedure is for both women and men, please feel free to make an appointment for a private free consultation to discuss your specific needs.
The actual process is very simple. First of all the area of treatment will be shaved and cleaned up, and then a thin layer of cold ECG Gel will be applied on the area to be treated. The practitioner will adjust the settings of MeDioStar Diode Laser to give proper energy according to your skin type for the most effective treatment. Then hand-held applicator will be placed on the area to be treated and a flash of laser light emitted from the applicator. The operator then continues to move the applicator over the entire area to be treated, flashing a new area every few seconds. The time of treatment session is depending on the size of the area to be treated. The degree of discomfort experienced varies with each person, depending on the sensitivity and pain threshold.
With every treatment hair will be permanently removed but only which are in its anagen phase (active growing phase). Human hair is not always growing. Hair in their active growing stage will die and fall out in 10 to 14 days after the treatment. Depending on which body part we are treating, we will wait 3 to 5 weeks for your next treatment. This period corresponds with the human hair growth cycle and allows a maximum amount of the remaining hair to move into the anagen phase, so that your next treatment removes the maximum amount of hair. Therefore, most clients will need 10 to 12 or more treatments to achieve significant results. Laser hair removal results depend on abnormality of the body and several other physical conditions, including hair color, skin color, hair thickness, hair density and mainly what equipment is being used for the purpose. All these factors should be evaluated by your practitioner before treatment to get the best results without side effects.
How does laser work. A laser is an intense source of specific light energy that produces heat when it is absorbed by the Melanin (black hair). The 810nm wavelength of Diode laser can transfer its high energy harmlessly through the skin and that high energy reaches to the hair follicles at deeper levels (2 to 3mm deep in the skin). Melanin bearing hair (Black hair) is the most attractive target for laser energy. Presently black hair shafts & follicles absorb that light energy generated by the Laser and turned into heat. The light is pulsed for fraction of a second and the heat reached up to 60° to 80°C in the melanin of hair shafts. That heat (thermal effect) damages the papilla and surrounding cell layers permanently, which are responsible for hair production. At that time hair present in anagen phase or growing phase will be dead and falls out after few days and never grow again for life. This is the magic of MeDioStar Diode laser. This is a safe procedure. Laser hair removal is very safe (even in pregnancy) because technically 810nm wavelength of Diode laser is attracted only to the melanin and heat up black hair shafts in the skin only (2 to 3 mm deep in the skin). Deeper body parts can’t absorb this energy. Slight redness and swelling of the treated area occurs in some patients but last for half an hour. The procedure is not painful but some patients describe it as a slight uncomfortable pinching or prickling sensation for few seconds when the pulse of laser light is delivered. Each pulse of the laser takes less than one second, so, any discomfort that you may feel is only for very short periods. No local anesthesia or pain relief medication is required.